Kangean People

The Lord is king! 
Let the earth rejoice! 
Let the farthest coastlands be glad.

Psalm 97:1


The Kangean people (population 135,000) live on Indonesia’s Kangean Island, located north of Bali. The island holds great tourism potential. Its beaches on the Java Sea are scenic and unspoiled, and the thick East Kangean forest contains many animals and beautiful birds.

Since 1993 the islands have been the site of natural gas drilling. They are connected to East Java via a 430-kilometer pipeline, most of which runs underwater. However, the Kangean are one of the last 200 or so Muslim people groups of over 100,000 with no organised effort to establish a community of believers. 

They use the Kangean language which is close to the Madura language. The major religion is Muslim, no Christians at all in this people group. They don’t have any medias – audio, nor written – of the Gospel. They are the Least-Reached people group in Indonesia.

Bible Translation is needed for this group. They need to know about the Love of God for their life, the Word of Living God can change their life, turn them into God’s worshippers.




Would you pray for the Kangean People?


More that 700 languages in Indonesia are waiting.

A Quechua Bible translator of Peru stated, “Getting our spiritual food from the Spanish Bible is like trying to eat soup with a fork. We can get a little taste, but cannot get nourished. Using the Quechua Scriptures is like eating soup with a spoon—we can really get well-nourished.”

Lives are spiritually transformed as a result of understanding God’s Word in a language that speaks to the heart!

~ Quoted from Wycliffe Pray Today, July 6th, 2011

I agree. It’s just like eating porridge with spoon, not chopsticks to me, or like we can see clearly the fish in the clear pond instead of muddy pond. I remember when Dave came back to Jakarta from the village (Discovery Trip 2007) and brought back several books, portions of the Bible that had been translated into my heart language, I was so amazed and so thankful that I could read these some of God’s words in the language that I understand very well, that really spoke to my heart and mind.

I can feel it. I can smell it. I fell like I was there.

It’s real. God’s word speaks to me loud and clear!

And today when I got the e-mail from Wycliffe Pray Today reminded me to keep on praying for the progress of the work of the translation in for the people groups not only the people in Indonesia, but also the whole people groups that need to hear the Word of God loud and clear, that they know that God is speaking to them. Wycliffe is one of the mission organization that serve in the area of Bible translation, literacy, ethnomusicology, community development, and many more. You can check the website to get more information.

Would you join me in prayer? How you can get involve to reach out the unreached people?

(From Helen’s website.)

New Plane To Aid BT In Indonesia

A former missionary pilot, Wycliffe Associates President and CEO Bruce Smith calls Indonesia

“one of the most challenging mission fields on earth.”

This remote and rugged chain of islands in the south Pacific is among the least explored places on earth and among the hardest to travel where people speak over 700 separate languages.


To read more about the story go to: Mission Network News


Profil Bangsa: Badui



Daerah perbukitan Jawa Barat sebagian besar dihuni oleh kaum Muslim suku Sunda, namun daerah yang terletak di sektor barat dihuni oleh suku Badui — suatu komunitas Sunda purba yang masih tersisa, yang menggunakan dialek Sunda kuno. Suku Badui sengaja mengisolasi diri mereka di daerah pegunungan, ketika mayoritas penduduk pulau Jawa menjadi pemeluk agama Islam. Mereka telah mempertahankan kasta sebagai sistem stratifikasi sosial yang kental. Keturunannya ditandai melalui kedua orang tua mereka, namun keluarga asalnya tidak sekuat seperti pada kalangan etnis utama suku Jawa. Bentuk atau corak desa terdiri dari lebih kurang 35 kelompok kecil, yang terdiri dari rumah-rumah penduduk yang tersebar di sekitar lahan padi gagarancah, yang digarap secara musiman dan berpindah-pindah. Terdapat tiga desa yang tetap terisolasi sama sekali dari kontak-kontak dengan suku non-Badui. Orang Badui yang mengenakan busana hitam, berbicara dengan pihak luar; namun mereka yang mengenakan sarung putih, harus tetap mempertahankan isolasi secara ketat. Pemerintah telah berupaya untuk mendidik mereka dan telah membawa suatu perubahan gaya hidup bagi mereka. Namun, sebagian besar di antara mereka menolak bantuan ini, dan sebagai akibatnya mereka tetap buta aksara dan primitif. Suku Badui memiliki reputasi sebagai orang-orang yang gemar menggunakan ilmu hitam. Banyak orang yang takut karena kemampuan mereka untuk meramalkan masa depan dan menjampi musuh-musuh mereka.

Karena keterbelakangan mereka, mereka telah menolak untuk mendidik anak-cucu mereka pada sekolah-sekolah umum. Pemerintah juga tidak menyelenggarakan pendidikan, akibatnya mereka tetap buta huruf dan primitif. Menurut berita, para pria Badui diizinkan untuk menumpang kereta api secara gratis. Pria-pria mengenakan kemeja biru tua atau hitam dan sarung, serta melilitkan rambut mereka yang panjangnya sepinggang dengan kain hitam pada kepala mereka. Memotret mereka adalah suatu tindakan yang tabu.

Spring 2011 Scripture Celebration

Spring 2011 Scripture Celebration: ”

By Angela Nelson

Wycliffe celebrated twenty-eight newly translated Scriptures today at the Orlando headquarters. These Bibles came from all over the world—places like Peru, Cameroon, Ghana, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.

The celebration included special music from Latin Grammy Nominee Lucia Parker, performances from the First Baptist Orlando Rejoice Dancers, and a parade of brightly dressed people carrying flags and Bibles. One lady carried a Bible on behalf of her father, who had been praying for that people group since 1982.

There was lots of rejoicing and thanking God for these translated Scriptures, but the celebration today was nothing compared to the prior celebrations that each of these language groups had when they received God’s Word for the first time. A video showed the depth of emotion the people from one Indonesian language expressed when their new Bible arrived by plane for the first time. A pastor passionately thanked God for getting to see God’s Word in his lifetime—just as Simeon was promised that he would see the Christ child before he died.